For those working in the oil business, being well acquainted with the latest dispersant application equipment and oil spill response equipment is necessary to doing business quickly, safely, and consistently.
A turbidity curtain, which goes by many names, is utilized on construction sites to keep sediment and silt, or turbidity, from getting into nearby water bodies during “dredging operations. Also known as a silt barrier or silt curtain, the turbidity curtain also serves the crucial function of protecting marine life from toxic levels of organics that can get into the water column without the use of the curtain.
And of course, maintenance of the curtain during regular use is a must. Inspections are to be conducted regularly, and the turbidity curtain must be strongly anchored so that strong winds will not upset the curtain and cause it to disturb the anchors and move out of place. Failing to keep with these tasks can result in accidents that cost time and money that could have been put to better use.
Do you have mores questions about turbidity curtains or dispersant application equipment? Do you have experience using dispersant application equipment in the past, and you want to share your knowledge? Either way, you may leave your comments below. Find out more here.
The article doesnt go into much detail about dispersant application equipment? How does that differ from turbidity curtains?
I have a similar concern as the one expressed in the comment above. Where can I find more info about dispersant application equipment?
I have a similar concern as the one expressed in the comment above. Where can I find more info about dispersant application equipment?
I have a similar concern as the one expressed in the comment above. Where can I find more info about dispersant application equipment?
I have a similar concern as the one expressed in the comment above. Where can I find more info about dispersant application equipment?
I have a similar concern as the one expressed in the comment above. Where can I find more info about dispersant application equipment?
I have a similar concern as the one expressed in the comment above. Where can I find more info about dispersant application equipment?