Marijuana, which is the country’s most illegally used drug, does have addictive qualities to it, regardless of what people may say about it. No, it is not as highly addictive as heroin, cocaine or even prescription pills. But marijuana addiction is a real thing, mostly because there are emotional and psychological components to this addiction that can make it nearly impossible for people to stop using the drug. This is a top reason why there is such a thing as a marijuana addict.
As evidence of this, studies show that adults who seek marijuana addiction treatment for their marijuana withdrawal symptoms and for their cannabis addiction have been using the drug for 10 years or more, and they have tried to quit using it at least six times over the course of that decade. So for some, the more the drug is used the harder it becomes to quit. For nearly every marijuana addict, this struggle becomes daily and feels like torture, whether they continue to use the drug or not. And the effects the typical marijuana addict could have from using the drug over a number of years can wreak havoc in other ways as well.
As a case in point, there was a three year study that the American Journal of Epidemiology published that followed 4,045 people who were free from psychosis when the study began. After the study ended, the journal found that people who had smoked marijuana had three times more chances for development psychotic symptoms than people who did not use the drug. Now, this does not directly correlate with addiction for the average marijuana addict per se, but it shows how powerful the drug is and how it can ruin a life.
Because 11.5 percent of today’s Americans, or over 25 million people, have smoked the drug sometime over the past year, this really drives home the need for marijuana treatment programs. These programs help target the source of the problem for these addicts and get them back to their normal lives, regardless of how long they have used the drug. These programs are highly targeted and give people lots of chances to start their lives over free from drug use. The cannabis plant can grow very fast, up to 2 inches per today for a total of 18 feet high, and it can grow virtually everywhere, and this information is important to the typical marijuana addict. However, it does not seal this person’s fate.
Is there really such a thing as addiction to marijuana? I have used it, sometimes regularly, and while I like to do it that is as close as I get to feeling addicted to it.
Feeling. That is exactly what it is. It is a feeling that you are addicted to, not necessarily the drug itself. But that feeling can be pretty strong, so getting help sometimes is good for these people.
Feeling. That is exactly what it is. It is a feeling that you are addicted to, not necessarily the drug itself. But that feeling can be pretty strong, so getting help sometimes is good for these people.
Feeling. That is exactly what it is. It is a feeling that you are addicted to, not necessarily the drug itself. But that feeling can be pretty strong, so getting help sometimes is good for these people.
Feeling. That is exactly what it is. It is a feeling that you are addicted to, not necessarily the drug itself. But that feeling can be pretty strong, so getting help sometimes is good for these people.
Feeling. That is exactly what it is. It is a feeling that you are addicted to, not necessarily the drug itself. But that feeling can be pretty strong, so getting help sometimes is good for these people.
Feeling. That is exactly what it is. It is a feeling that you are addicted to, not necessarily the drug itself. But that feeling can be pretty strong, so getting help sometimes is good for these people.