In 1753, Benjamin Franklin invented the first flexible catheter. Flexible catheters in those days were made from hinged metal segments. Today, catheters have come a long ways from their metal hinged ancestors thanks to state of the art technology and innovation. Finding self catheter supplies is best accomplished online, and there are more options on the internet for self catheter supplies than anywhere else. Different types of urinary catheter supplies are used for different reasons and it’s important to know what type of self catheter supplies you need before purchasing.
A partnership between Walsh and Norman Gibbon provided hospitals with a standard catheter design around the beginning of the 20th Century. Standard catheters may be different from modern day disposable catheters, which were invented in the 1940s. In the 1940s, a man named David S. Sheridan started four different catheter companies. In 1988, he was called “The Catheter King” by Forbes Magazine. There’s a significant amount of history involving how catheters were developed and self catheter supplies continue to evolve to this day. Medicare catheter coverage will dictate what types of Medicare catheter supplies are used.
It’s highly advised to consider all your options when looking for self catheter supplies because not all self catheter supplies are created equal. A recent rise in the need for self catheter supplies is being experienced because of the baby boomers. However, in 2008, 3.4 million military veterans experienced service related injuries that require medical products like catheters. The growing number of people on disability can be directly tied to the number of self catheter supplies that are in demand.
Spinal trauma is one example of why self catheterization supplies are needed. Around 5 percent of military personnel that experienced injures that caused long term injuries in Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from spinal trauma according to The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. Finding the best self catheter supplies online can be done by reading reviews from other users. Reviews are found on social networks, blogs, forums, and some business directories. Self catheter supplies can be covered under certain medical insurance policies, so it’s important to consider all the options that are available.