Air conditioner problems Air conditioner repair Generac generators installation

Want to save Money on Your Energy Bills? Check out This Simple Tip for Your Heating and Cooling Systems

Heating repair service

It was 1937 when British scholar S.F. Markham wrote, “The greatest contribution to civilization in this century may well be air-conditioning – and America leads the way.” Shortly after, residential air conditioner units popularized, with over 1 million units selling in 1953. Air conditioner units provide a comfortable and cool climate for our homes when the heat becomes almost unbearable; however, there’s a significant price paid for this comfort – 45 percent of the average U.S. household’s energy bill goes to heating and cooling.

To save money on your energy bills, it’s important to have annual heating and air conditioner maintenance performed by an HVAC (heating ventilation and cooling professional). Annual maintenance and heating and cooling repair will ensure that your heating and cooling units are performing at optimal levels, and not running more than needed. Common annul HVAC maintenance includes procedures such as replacing or cleaning old air and dirty air filters. A clean air filter will allow the air to flow better throughout your ventilation system, and keep debris and allergens out of the air inside of your home.

Heating systems are also very important for keeping the climate of our home comfortable. If you live in a location where the winters can be frigid, and ice-storms are common, you should consider investing in a Generac home generator. If your home loses power in the winter, it can sometime take days for it to come back on, making a home generator a great investment for keeping your house warm and habitable. Generators can be hard to come by, and/or expensive, in the day before a major storm is poised to hit, so look into investing in one before the season begins for some peace of mind.
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