It is believed that there are more than 20 million people suffering from sleep apnea Sleep apnea is a type of sleeping disorder in which people breath abnormally, and sometimes stop breathing, in their sleep. Usually sleep apnea sleep apnea is an ongoing condition that disrupts sleep.
Oftentimes, loud snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea. However, not everyone who has sleep apnea snores, and of course everyone who snores does not have sleep apnea either. If you or someone you know experience excessive snoring and often feel tired even thought you thought you had a good nights sleep, sleep apnea testing is probably a good idea.
There are various remedies for sleep apnea. One of the common treatments for sleep apnea is the CPAP, which is a mask that fits over the mouth and the nose so that air can flow into the airway when the person is sleeping. Sometimes sleep apnea can be cured with surgery, but often people try to avoid surgery and choose other options such as the CPAP alternative treatment. Smoking increases the risk for sleep apnea. People who are overweight, male, over 65 years old or are related to someone else who has sleep apnea also have a higher risk for developing it. There is also a higher risk to people who are Black, Hispanic or Pacific Islanders.
I think that it is true that when someone snores loudly it is assumed that they have sleep apnea, but I also think that a lot of the time they do.
My husband snores like a lumberjack. After eight years of not being able to sleep I finally just got my own room. I have never slept better.
My husband snores like a lumberjack. After eight years of not being able to sleep I finally just got my own room. I have never slept better.
My husband snores like a lumberjack. After eight years of not being able to sleep I finally just got my own room. I have never slept better.
My husband snores like a lumberjack. After eight years of not being able to sleep I finally just got my own room. I have never slept better.
My husband snores like a lumberjack. After eight years of not being able to sleep I finally just got my own room. I have never slept better.