Are you looking into real estate in Cherry Creek? Or anywhere else besides Cherry Creek, for that matter? Whether you’re a first time buyer or a seasoned veteran, here are a few things to keep in mind when looking for a new home.
1. Before you start looking, make a list of your top priorities as far as amenities, proximity to school, shopping, recreational spots, and work, as well as style and location.
2. Home sales in California increased 25.2 percent between October 2012 and October 2011, and for October that was a five year high!
3. For borrowers that need extra money to repair their home, the FHA has a 203(k), which is a type of special loan product.
4. Title and Settlement fees, origination fees from the lender, as well as prepaid items like homeowner’s association fees or homeowner’s insurance are all included in the closing costs.
5. One final tip when looking at multiple homes, especially if you are touring them all in one day, is that immediately after leaving each home, rate them on a scale of one to ten.
These are all important things to remember, whether you are going on an online property search, or if you are heading out to see the real thing. The first challenge is to nail down your budget, what you can afford precisely, and there are many ways to do that. Down payment assistance programs, FHA home loans, a first time home buyers program. The list goes on, and there is always a way to make your budget fit your dream home! See this link for more references.
if ur thinking of getting a new home, shood u go to a bank first or start lookin first?
It’s always better to figure out how much you can spend before you go looking for a place. Then you can tailor your search to figure out what you can afford.
It’s always better to figure out how much you can spend before you go looking for a place. Then you can tailor your search to figure out what you can afford.
It’s always better to figure out how much you can spend before you go looking for a place. Then you can tailor your search to figure out what you can afford.
It’s always better to figure out how much you can spend before you go looking for a place. Then you can tailor your search to figure out what you can afford.
It’s always better to figure out how much you can spend before you go looking for a place. Then you can tailor your search to figure out what you can afford.
It’s always better to figure out how much you can spend before you go looking for a place. Then you can tailor your search to figure out what you can afford.