North Texas Housing Coalition, Inc in Dallas Texas

North Texas Housing Coalition, Inc 2900 Live Oak Dallas, Texas 75204 214-946-3500 The North Texas Housing Coalition (NTHC) is a Dallas based 501 C3 non-profit organization made up of more than 300 organizations and individuals united by the NTHC mission to promote safe, quality affordable housing in the North Texas region. The NTHC facilitates…

CBI Remodel in Salem OR

CBI Remodel 1065 Pali Dr NW Salem, OR 97304 503-763-0460 Professional Remodeling Since 1977. Serving the area with Kitchens, Baths, Additions, Exteriors, Design, and Handyman Service.

Need Basic Accounting Tips?

Finding an accountant for a small business does not need to be difficult. If you run your own business or manage a business with few employees, you would probably rather spend more of your time working on the core aspects of your business than calculating numbers and doing paperwork. Basic accounting tips for small businesses…

How to Get the News in Rochester

No matter where you are, arguably the best way to get the news is either by watching television news broadcasts or reading the local newspaper. With that said, if you are in Rochester, New york, it is wise to read one of the Rochester newspapers. Rochester newspapers generally include both Rochester local news and national…

Looking Into REITs? Here are a Few Facts You Need to Know

A real estate investment trust is a company that owns, and in most cases, operates income-producing real estate. REITs own many types of commercial real estate, ranging from office and apartment buildings to warehouses, hospitals, shopping centers, hotels and even timberlands. Some REITs also engage in financing real estate. The REIT structure was designed to…

Bishop and Heenan Law Firm in Billings MT

Bishop and Heenan Law Firm 1631 Zimmerman Trail Billings, MT 59102 (406) 839-9091 The team of legal experts at Bishop and Heenan Law firm represents and defends the rights of consumers and injury victims in Billings MT and throughout the state of Montana.

Essential Electrical Tips For Homeowners

If you are familiar with the history of western civilization you are well aware of the fact that our modern plumbing, drainage, and irrigation systems owe a lot to the ancient Romans. The Romans were also the first known civilization to create working heating systems, which operated by heating water located below ground. This is…

Top Reasons to Invest in Pandora Jewelry

Did you know that Queen Victoria wore charm bracelets that started a fashion among the European noble classes? In fact, she was instrumental to the popularity of charm bracelets, as she loved to wear and give charm bracelets. When her beloved Prince Albert died, she even made “mourning” charms popular. Though far from the trend…

Have You Visited an Urgent Care Center Lately?

One of the biggest innovations in the medical community in the past few decades have been medical urgent care centers. According to a recent survey, There are an estimated 7,164 urgent care centers located in the United States. Unlike the average emergency room services, medical urgent care centers offer quicker and often cheaper service for…